Set in East Anglia, England in 1645, the historical fiction novel The Witching Tide follows the life of Martha Hallybread. As a midwife, healer and servant who has not spoken a word for years, Martha is respected and trusted by her neighbours in the village of Cleftwater. But this delicate peace is disrupted when a group of witch hunters led by Silas Makepeace arrives, and Martha must face her past, her fears and her destiny as the witching tide rises.
🪑 The book is well-researched and based on real-life witch hunts in the 17th century in England. Meyer does an excellent job of bringing the historical setting and social and political climate to life.
🧺 The plot is gripping, with a swift pace that glides along, making it impossible not to be drawn into the story o feel for the characters as each twist of fate comes around. There are compelling themes about survival, oppression, rebellion, and identity woven throughout this narrative.
🪃 Martha Hallybread is the strong and courageous protagonist at the centre of the plot. She has a mysterious magical power, and she faces a multitude of dangers and challenges, while also showing compassion, loyalty, and resilience. This makes her a multi-faceted character that readers will come to care deeply about.
The writing in this book is interesting and does successfully capture the period it's set in. Despite that, nothing jumped out at me as I read. It felt like I knew exactly where the story was heading which isn't too shocking when dealing with historical fiction. Still though, I think there was potential for the author to make readers feel more connected to the characters and engaged in their journey.
Rating: 4/5
Buy on Amazon.
[An ARC was shared with The Arcane Archives through NetGalley ahead of release, in exchange for an unbiased review.]